Enlightened Soil Corp:
EnSoil Turf Algae
Enlightened Soil Corp is a SC, Public Benefit Corporation. "Made in America"
Enlightened Soil Corp produces an all natural substitute for fertilizers filled with harmful chemicals. Visit us at www.enlightenedsoil.com

What We Do

Enlightened Soil Corp produces EnSoil Algae that is an all natural, live cell bio-stimulant that promotes natural soil health, and increases nutrients, proteins, and stress adaptation for whatever it is applied to, including Turf.

EnSoil Turf
EnSoil Turf is specifically branded to be applied to civic green spaces, school and sports playing fields, and HOA public spaces. Visit www.ensoilturf.com

EnSoil Turf is produced in the US, and as a liquid concentrate it is applied through existing irrigation/sprinkler systems. 1 Liter of EnSoil treats 4.5 acres and costs $70.

Safe & Effective
EnSoil Turf is all natural and can be stored for up to 6-months with no drop in cell count.

Natural & Organic
EnSoil is all natural, and is listed as organic by OMRI. EnSoil Turf is the same product under a different brand name.

Registration and Licensing
EnSoil is registered for sale and use by the State Board of Agriculture in all 50-states. 3.5 years of test and trial results, plus numerous user testimonials, can be seen by scanning this image to access the Field Study report.